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cluster analysis

by 귀주대 2023. 5. 2.



Cluster analysis is a method of data analysis used to group objects and/or data points that are similar in some way. It is an unsupervised learning algorithm which means no labels are given and data points are grouped together based on their similarities. This can be done in many different ways and there are a wide variety of algorithms available.


Cluster analysis can be used in a variety of fields, including marketing, sales, finance, biology, and engineering. It is a valuable tool for finding patterns in large datasets, detecting outliers, and understanding customer behavior.


Cluster analysis can be used to determine the grouping of customers based on their demographic characteristics, such as age, location, gender, income, and other factors. This can help companies understand customer preferences and tailor their products and services accordingly. It can also be used to identify customer segments so that companies can more accurately target their marketing and advertising campaigns.


Cluster analysis can also be used to detect outliers in datasets. This is a very powerful tool as it can help identify data points that are different from the rest of the data, which can be valuable for further analysis. By finding outliers, companies can gain insight into various customer segments and make more accurate decisions.


Overall, cluster analysis is an invaluable tool for making sense of large datasets and understanding customer behavior. It can be used to identify customer segments, detect outliers, and gain greater insight into customer preferences. It is a powerful tool that should be utilized by companies to maximize their customer reach and drive more sales.
